Is St. Joseph Recovery Center a Locked Facility?
No. St. Joseph Recovery Center admits those that volunteer for treatment. Our doors are not locked.
What is a Typical Day Like?
​Your day will be full here. Morning hours include wake-up, nursing services, breakfast, and your first group session begins at 9:00 a.m. Hiking, farm outings, group sessions, individual therapy, and other activities are held throughout the day with breaks in between. Lunch is served at noon and dinner at 5:00 p.m. each day. Our food is catered from a local cafe and it is delicious! At least once per week, you will meet with your assigned therapist for an individual session and work on your relapse prevention plan. Your therapist will give you reading and writing assignments to complete. You will have the opportunity to attend community-based 12-step meetings or non-denominational church services, available during the week and on Sundays. There are evening and weekend hours where television and phone time is permitted.
How Long is the Program?
Inpatient treatment varies depending on each individual case. Our treatment programs are based upon medical necessity. A few factors used to determine a patient’s medical necessity include clinical assessment, length and severity of addiction, the presence of co-occurring mental health disorders, discharge plan, and insurance provider requirements. The initial length of stay at St. Joseph Recovery Center is normally 30-60 days but can be extended based upon medical necessity.
What Should I Bring?
Casual clothing (no more than 7 days worth – we have a washer and dryer on site that is available to you at no charge. We also provide the laundry detergent.)
Medication that you take on a daily basis – could include medication for high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, etc. Please ensure these medications are in the original bottle.
Money for personal items ($50 or less)
Your insurance card and a VALID, unexpired form of picture ID.
Sealed, unopened tobacco products. Cigarettes or smokeless tobacco. No vapes permitted.
How Do I Get There?
We recommend that you have a family member or friend drive you here. In certain cases, we can help make transportation arrangements for you. Contact us directly to discuss your transportation plans.
Please Leave the Following Items at Home
Alcohol or drugs
Sample medications
Knives or Weapons of any kind
Musical instruments
All electronic equipment with cameras or internet access, including: cell phones, iPads, laptops, DVD players, computers.
Excessive makeup, clothing, jewelry
Ropes, Chains, Cords
Needles or drug paraphernalia
Mouth Wash
Cigars, cigarillos, pipes or electronic cigarettes (cigarettes must be in unopened, sealed package)
Herbal products or vitamins
Revealing clothing
T-shirts or ball caps with inappropriate wording
Pillows, blankets, comforters
Money over $50
Nail Clippers
No items made of glass
Any Additional Items deemed dangerous or Inappropriate by security or Program Director.

Get Started
Call 304-916-1881